*RABELAIS Renaissance *RACE Ball Bearings *RADICALLY Fortress *RAISED Renaissance *RAISES Bridge Canal *RAPHAEL Artists Raphael Renaissance *RAPIDLY Gun Helicopter *RATCHETS Reciprocating-to-Rotary *RATE Gun *RATHER Court Entertainer Helicopter Machiavelli, Niccolò Steam Cannon *RATS Black Plague *RAYS Spotlight *REACH Cabot, John Crossbow Digging Dredger Missile Woodwind Keys *REACHING Columbus, Christopher Magellan, Ferdinand *READ Backwards "secret" writing *READING Spotlight *REALE Self-Portrait *REALIZED Ball Bearings *REBIRTH Constantinople Renaissance *REBUILD Bramante, Donato *RECEIVED Botticelli, Sandro Cortés, Hernán Verrocchio, Andrea *RECENTLY Bicycle *RECIPROCATING Lifting Windlass *RECLAIMED Milan *RECOGNIZED Gutenberg, Johannes Lorenzo the Magnificent *RECORDER Recorder Woodwind Keys *RECORDERS Recorder *RECRUITING Machiavelli, Niccolò *RECURRED Black Plague *RED Self-Portrait War of the Roses *REDUCE Missile *REDUCING Ball Bearings *REFERRED Bell-Tower Mechanism *REFLECTS Galileo Galilei *REFORMATION Calvin, John Luther, Martin Renaissance *REFORMS Suleiman the Magnificent *REGAINED Machiavelli, Niccolò *REGION Milan *REIGNED Francis I *REINVENTED Ball Bearings Worm Gear *RELATED Luther, Martin *RELATIVELY Woodwind Keys *RELEASE Machiavelli, Niccolò Release Mechanism *RELEASES Bomb Release Mechanism *RELEASING Bomb *RELIED Feudal system *RELIGION Calvin, John *RELIGIOUS Renaissance *RELUCTANTLY Elizabeth I *REMAINED Cortés, Hernán Oil paints *REMAINING Dredger Tank *REMEMBERED Michelangelo *REMINDS Snorkel *RENAISSANCE Architects Artists Botticelli, Sandro Bramante, Donato City-state Constantinople Court Entertainer Florence Francis I Italy Michelangelo Middle Ages Milan Raphael Renaissance Workshop *RENOWNED Medici *REOPENED Joan of Arc *REPAYMENT Gutenberg, Johannes *REPLACE Shearing Machine *REPLACED Drill *REPLACEMENT Screw-Making Machine *REPLIED Court Entertainer *REPULSE Walls and Ladders *REQUEST Henry VIII *REQUIRE Tank *RER Artists *RESIDES Florence *RESISTANCE Missile *RESPONSIBLE Ivan III *REST Fortress Worm Gear *RESTORED Bicycle *RESTORER Bicycle *RESULT Constantinople *RESUMED Francis I *RETHINK Fortress *RETIRED Machiavelli, Niccolò Shakespeare, William *RETRACTABLE Drawbridge *RETURNED Cabot, John *REVIVAL Renaissance *REVOLUTION Copernicus, Nicolaus Nostradamus *REVOLUTIONIZED Renaissance *REVOLVES Copernicus, Nicolaus Galileo Galilei Renaissance *REWARD Court Entertainer *REWARDED Court Entertainer *RHYTHM Drums I *RICO Columbus, Christopher *RIGHT Backwards "secret" writing Lifting Windlass *RIGHTS Gutenberg, Johannes *RIM Bell *RISE Court Entertainer Renaissance *RISEN Court Entertainer *RISES Rotisserie *RIVAL Francis I *RIVER Arno River Drawbridge Florence *RIVERBED Digging Dredger *ROAST Rotisserie *ROCKET Missile Rocket *Rocks Virgin of the Rocks - 1483 *Rocks Virgin of the Rocks - 1494 *ROD Screw-Making Machine *ROLLER Bell-Tower Mechanism Metal Roller *ROLLERS Metal Roller *ROMAN Constantinople Francis I Luther, Martin Middle Ages Renaissance *ROME Architects Bramante, Donato Italy Michelangelo Raphael St. Jerome *ROMEO Shakespeare, William *ROOM Court Entertainer *ROPE Pedal-Powered Wing *ROSE War of the Roses *ROSES War of the Roses *ROTARY Helicopter Lifting Windlass *ROTATE Ball Bearings Cannon Dredger Helicopter Pedometer *ROTATES Copernicus, Nicolaus Viola-Organista *ROTATING Viola-Organista *Rotisserie Rotisserie *ROUND Ball Bearings *ROUNDED Fortress *ROUNDS Court Entertainer *ROUTE Columbus, Christopher Gama, Vasco da *ROUTES Renaissance *ROWERS Paddle Boat *ROYAL Deluge, The Grotesque Heads Horse, The Imola, Map of Leda and the Swan Windsor Collection *RUBS Wheel Lock *RULE Constantinople Suleiman the Magnificent *RULED Elizabeth I Florence Lorenzo the Magnificent Renaissance Sforza, Lodovico *RULER Medici, Giuliano de Nostradamus *RULERS Henry VIII Medici Milan *RUNNING Ball Bearings *RUNS Arno River *RUSSIA Ivan III *RUSSIAN Ivan III *